Why Jim?

indiana county needs proven leadership.

The Simple Plan:

Jim Struzzi believes ultimately the best way to improve our communities and solve many of the issues we face is to put more money back in the hands of families and working people. How do we do this? By eliminating or reducing unnecessary taxes and regulations in Pennsylvania that prohibit and deter business growth. Pennsylvania has the seventh worst corporate tax rate in the country. We rely on real estate taxes to fund schools. We are currently driving businesses and people away. That has to change.  Since the federal tax changes occurred, the economy is renewed and surging. Local businesses are hiring and expanding. We need to continue that trend. Jim Struzzi believes that when we allow businesses to grow and create more jobs and eliminate overbearing taxes that unnecessarily burden families and senior citizens, our communities will prosper and, like a waterfall, many other problems will be solved. When people are working, they are happy and beneficial to society. Drug use and crime will decline. Spending will increase. Property values will increase. The health of our communities will improve. The more businesses we attract, the more jobs we create, the more people have to spend, the more money we will have at the state level, which can then be used to fund schools and education and other programs and alleviate the burden on taxpayers.  We need to give people the chance to be successful, own their own homes, contribute to society, have careers and opportunities, and pursue the American dream - right here in Indiana County and Pennsylvania!

experience matters

Jim has served as the PA House Representative for the 62nd Legislative District since 2018. He currently serves on the House Appropriations, Insurance, Children and Youth and Human Services committees. Previously, he dedicated his professional career to public service through many years as a journalist, with PennDOT and the Indiana County Chamber of Commerce. Jim's career has been building opportunities to keep our sons and daughters here.

economic development

Jim has experience working with our communities on workforce development, creating and growing jobs, sustaining industry, and attracting new businesses. He is focused transportation, technological infrastructure, innovation and helping to improve opportunities for young families here in Indiana County.


protecting our rights

Jim will fight for our second amendment rights to hunt and protect our homes and other freedoms as included in the Constitution of the United States and our great Commonwealth.


As a father of four school-aged children Jim will work tirelessly as State House Representative to improve the quality of life for ALL residents in the district and make sure our children have the best education we can provide. He is also a demonstrated supporter and advocate for Indiana University of Pennsylvania and all PASSHE schools through his support on the Appropriations Committee for an historical funding increase in the current state budget. He is also a member of the House PASSHE caucus.


Jim will work to ensure our communities are safe. He will work with law enforcement, healthcare professionals and local leaders to get the dealers off our street and get help for those that need assistance. He serves on the House Human Services Committee working on legislation to save lives and aid in recovery efforts.

Jim Struzzi is keenly aware of the issues facing the agricultural community. Since becoming the Indiana County Chamber of Commerce President in 2013, he has attended many Agriculture Legislative Days in Indiana County to stay informed of the policy concerns in the industry. He supports and promotes the Indiana County Fair and other local fairs and festivals, 4H programs, and on a monthly basis meets with the Farm Bureau representatives, the Penn State Extension, farmers and growers, and agricultural industry representatives at an informal breakfast in Home, PA. He is fighting to change the broken property tax system in Pennsylvania and make sure the agricultural industry has the tools and resources it needs to be successful in Indiana County. Jim Struzzi understands and appreciates the hard work and dedication it takes to run a farm. Growing up in Western Pennsylvania in the Westmoreland County area, Jim’s family had horses, goats and other animals. He is an avid outdoors man and appreciates the importance of our natural resources with balance and fairness related to regulations. Given his extensive background in transportation, Jim Struzzi understands the importance of good infrastructure and the need for access for the agriculture industry. Jim is working to ensure farmers have the tools and support they need including broadband access in rural areas. Jim Struzzi appreciates the economic impacts of agriculture and fully supports the industry. He has also worked to help the agrotourism industry and grow this economic driver. The dairy industry needs help in promotion to increase demand and protection from major corporate entities seeking to control the market. In addition, Jim is working to provide agricultural educational programs in our local schools, technical schools and colleges. If reelected to the House in November, Jim hopes to serve on the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee working with the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau to help family farms sustain and grow. Jim’s strengths are listening and bringing people together. He will continue, as he has done for many years, to meet with agriculture representatives to meet their needs and work to make sure their voice is heard. As a father of four school-aged children, Jim wants his family and others to appreciate what agriculture and support for farming means to our society. One percent feeds the world and Jim Struzzi gets that.
